Fedora 12: Constantine

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Thing about Goals

Ask a kid, what he wants to be when he grows up– you will probably get answers like a fireman, doctor or police officer.

Ask the kid why and he may tell you he wants to be a hero, helping people or somewhere along that line.

Ask the kid does he know what he has to do to become a fireman, doctor, or police officer and most likely, you will be met with silence accompanied by a blank stare.

That’s understandable. They’re kids. They don’t think too much but they know what they want to be.

Change the situation to an adult – what do you get? You’d be surprised how many people will give you the same reaction that a kid does but the different is, they’ll will give you that on the first question.

This is because most adults don’t really know what they want in life– the goal they want to achieve. Some call it ambition, aspiration or a purpose.

Let me think of a good analogy for a goal – it’s like a compass in your live, showing you the direction that you want to head. Without it, you are just wandering around aimlessly.

No wonder so many people feel like their lives lack meaning. In truth, they lack a real goal.

Now, let’s be honest- the word goal might turn you off because it sounds like a lot of work. So think of a goal as a desire instead.

A goal doesn’t have to be a big thing, although ideally, we should have that all major goal to reach for.

I’m not talking about a goal like buying a castle to live in. Something as simple as making sure you get to watch the final season finale of your favorite TV show tomorrow night IS A FORM OF A GOAL. Or being able to take your kids to Disneyland.

See, goals are easy. We basically know what we want. It’s how we can achieve them– that is the hard part.

It’s like taking a trip.

Let’s say you are in Chicago and you want to take a trip to Las Vegas for a holiday. Until you start to plan how you are going to get there, Las Vegas will just be a blurry vision.

Only after you have ironed out the traveling details, then your vacation to Vegas can be a reality. Otherwise, it’ll remain as a hope.

If you have a problem to set your goal, then just think what your desire is today, next week, next month, next year and so on. The pleasure that you want to experience.

Once you have identified a goal, work it out backwards and plan your way to achieve them. Working backwards means you look at what it will take to achieve that goal then work out how to implement those steps.

Suppose you want to be promoted to the next level in your job. What can you do?

Perhaps you can take up more projects to show your commitment. Maybe you don’t have the qualifications for the job, so you take up some night classes to get them.

At this point, you have to bear in mind that while it is good to dream big, goals should not be set unrealistically. If you want to be promoted within the next 6 months but it will take you at least 2 years to get the necessary qualification that is not being realistic. I don’t like to preach ‘thinking big’ if it’s going to lead to disappointment– know what I mean?

But let’s say you want to buy a dream house in two years time and you start saving now, will it be enough for you to afford it? If not, then what can you do to get the additional funds? You know best.

All of these are probably not new to you at all – more like a refreshment.

But if I got your attention this far, then you’re prepared for the next ’secret’.

Setting goals are not much different than believing what you’re going to get.

The secret to achieving big goals is to start achieving small goals first because your mind needs to get use to the fact that your goals can be achieved. Secondly, the role of making decisions plays a huge role in determining your success and the only way to get good at it is to practice often until you master it.

What I’m trying to say is this – you’re ALREADY accomplishing many goals every day or week. You’re just unaware of that and it’s time for you to acknowledge your own success to build the momentum and confident.

Without goals, you will have no compass. Some people may be able to live with that. But they are missing out on that all important substance of living that gives meaning and purpose to life!

So, do you want to be on a definite course towards something or do you want to drive around hoping to get somewhere? Obviously, we both know the answer.

You Can Do It!!!